Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Pretty Kitty

Here are some pictures of my pretty kitty, Kassie. She likes to accompany me while I read on the front porch rocking chair. She is so frisky, and very rarely will she let you pet her for long. She is a strange cat with an odd meow. I'm not a huge cat person, but I don't mind them. Cats don't seem to like me very well either. 

* These were taken with my VERY FIRST roll of film. Kassie was my first subject to shoot.

I got her to look up by dangling my fingers above her head. It worked!
- I won't be blogging for a while. I am headed out of town for the week to be the designated babysitter with This Family. We are going hiking almost everyday, so I am sure I will have some pictures to share when I get back.

Have a good week, Maddy K.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Film with Friends :)

Earlier in the week we (meaning me mom and I) went out to lunch with some friends. Emily and I, and our mothers are all really great friends. We have so many laughs together.
I had a few pictures left on a roll of film, so I thought it would be a good idea to snap a few with, Em. I am very happy with the way they turned out. Film is so fun, crisp and thrilling. I love the anticipation of waiting for the pictures to get developed.

This was the first one me mom took of us. We were headed over to take pictures by a brick wall so the background wouldn't be as busy, but I made us stop and take one where our hair was blowing in the wind. Something about looking at a 'windy' picture just makes me feel like I can fly, and just float away with the wind... Ha!

This one just makes me giggle a little. I thought i would be fun/cheesy if we held hands. We were just being goofy :)

Here is Emily and her mom. So sweet... Look how cute, Em's shirt is. I love that shirt!

And us. My mom and I :)

This us officially my favorite! Thanks for posing with me, Emily!! Ha, Love you!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Film Pics- Colorado

This is for those of you who held me to my word:
Ok, Now as you view some of my first film pictures, keep in mind that these are in fact, some of my FIRST film pictures. I am learning. They aren't great (a little underexposed), but hey I'm having fun. Film is a whole different ball game for me, which makes my mom laugh because she grew up using film only. I'll get it down, eventually. I'm looking into getting a light meter soon, so that will help for sure.

Here is my mom and sister, posing in the glorious chilled weather.
- I believe this was the first picture I took with this roll of film.

This is the view from my brother's apartment, early morning.It had just snowed 2 inches the night before. I can;t imagine waking up only to find that it had 'only snowed 2 more inches over night'
"Oh, no big deal. Just 2 more inches to add to the feet of snow covering the ground."

I don't remember exactly where I took this, but look at those cute little lodgy-type houses. I would love to live in one of those. Wouldn't you?

Here's the whole family, posing on a look out that we went on quite an adventure to find. Gorgeous view. I am still convinced that the mountains are fake, but then look at what a great God we serve!

And here is my brother, being the 'Mountain Man' that he is, with no fear of heights or drop offs whatsoever. He had us all scared out of our minds as he walked along the edge of the rocks like it was nothing. Me, oh my. You gotta love him :)

Riley and Amy :)

Mrs. Kerinsa took some family portraits of us on the look out. Ah, we has so much fun. She is living the life that I dream of living one day, as a photographer in Colorado. She is wonderful, and has helped me tremendously. She's such an encouragement. I'm excited to see the pictures she took of us!! :)

So there they are, some of my first film pictures! I will post some more soon. I got a bunch developed along with these, the other day. I'm sure they'll get better and better as a practice more.
Stay tuned, Maddy. K

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Swings, Twister and Silly Faces

I love babysitting. Usually my weekly schedule involves babysitting a family from my church.  Now that my brother and sister are off to and graduated from college, whenever I get the chance to play boardgames and play outside like a kid again, I have fun!

I absolutely love these kids. They are like my younger siblings, and since I don't have any younger sibs, I enjoy all the time that I get to spend with them. They love to play twister and play out in the back yard whenever I watch them at my house. When we are at their house we play capture the flag, clue, charades... you name it. We have a blast.

Next week I am going on spring break with them as their full time babysitter :) I am sure you will see some more pictures of them once I get back from the trip. They agreed, wholeheartedly to let me practice taking pictures on them!

--When I edited these pictures I tried some different effects to see how they would turn out. I like to try something different every once in a while.

* film pictures from Colorado and the past few weeks are being developed. They should be on the blog by Friday. Hold me to my word.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Has Sprung!

Cherry blossom trees bloom all over my neighborhood. When they start to bloom it really starts to feel like spring around here. I look forward to snapping some flower pics this season!!
Enjoy the great weather,
Maddy K.